January, 2011, my husband and I returned to Rome and Naples to see what we missed on our first trip together to Italy. This time I brought my converted infrared camera to capture the ruins of Rome, Naples, and Pompei in infrared. The thought of further connecting to the past through some invisible force (thermal reading) beyond the traditional black or white photograph was exciting, even if the effects were more in my mind than on the final photographic image. We spent around five hours the Sunday before going to The Colleseum, Pantene HIll, and the Roman Forum. John had read in a guide book that the Apian Way where martyrs were hung along the road on crosses during early Christian persecution, chariot races were held and the Catacombs stood, was closed to car traffic on Sunday. Some cars did whiz by as we walked the full Apian Way. The next day while sitting at a restaurant outside the Roman Colleseum, I realized I had delete some 250 plus photos. Thanks to an online service (www.cardrecovery.com/) Iwas able to recover the files.